Amazon comes with various kind of quizzes and one the famous quiz is amazon daily spin and win quiz. Every day amazon comes with different question to answer to win exciting prizes. Here is the information about the answer for the pink river dolphin amazon quiz question. Participate in this amazing quiz and test your knowledge along with winning prizes.
Q. The _______ pink river dolphin can change its colour and also has the largest body and brain of any freshwater dolphin. Fill in the blanks
Answer : Amazon
Facts : Amazon dolphin is also called the pink river dolphin. The Amazon Basin’s freshwater rivers are where people can find amazing pink dolphins. These dolphins are famous for their color-changing capabilities, they can change colors from light gray to vibrant pink. Especially in males, the color changes are influenced by their diet, age, and sunlight exposure. These dolphins are notable for having the largest body and brain among other Amazon river dolphins and can grow up to 8 feet in length and can weigh up to 180 kilograms.
Read More – Amazon quiz answers